From the Provost — November 8, 2016
Advocates and Allies for Equity Initiative
Dear Colleagues:
As part of the President’s 2020 Vision of inclusive excellence, we are proud to announce the launch this month of the Advocates & Allies for Equity initiative. The original purpose of this NSF-funded program is to engage male colleagues as advocates and allies for the advancement of women faculty. Ohio State’s participation and long-range goal is to institutionalize and expand this program as part of our approach to support a more inclusive and equitable environment.
Senior male faculty and administrators who already have a substantial record of supporting women staff and faculty will lead the program. To begin with, these Advocates will lead facilitated conversations with other men, Allies, and offer awareness, reflection, action and engagement to improve our own university culture and to become a national leader of other institutions.
The Women’s Place, Ohio State’s women’s policy office and agent of culture change, will lead implementation and institutionalization of the initiative, along with the College of Engineering, Joan Herbers, Ohio State ADVANCE, and the Advocates & Allies Women’s Advisory Council.
We hope that you will support this initiative by facilitating the engagement of your respective departments and promoting the dissemination of Advocates and Allies for Equity. Please contact Jennifer Beard, director of The Women’s Place, for additional information.