Steering Committee
The President and Provost’s Advisory Council brought together a group of dedicated faculty who volunteered to serve as the inaugural members of a Founding Council for the Emeritus Academy. This council (Liang-Shih Fan, Robert C. Holub, Brian D. Joseph, Joan R. Leitzel, Terry A. Miller) shaped the Emeritus Academy, which was founded in the 2014-15 academic year. The Emeritus Academy is now guided by a Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee (SC) consists of nine members elected in staggered three-year terms, plus the Past Chair (if beyond their three-year term). The new first-year members of the SC are chosen by the preceding year’s SC from self-nominees and those nominated by members of the Emeritus Academy. Self-nominees must submit a 50–100-word statement of interest in and qualification for the position.
Each Officer (Past-Chair, Chair, Chair-elect) serves a one-year term in each position. The Chair-elect is selected by the Officers, usually from those finishing their first year on the SC. The Chair-elect and Chair automatically succeed to the next highest office at the end of their terms.
The SC meets about 4-6 times per year for 1-3 hours each time. Meetings are usually held online. Decisions are made about such items as new and renewing members, grant applications, lecture proposals and scheduling.
Linda James Myers
myers.19@osu.eduImportant Dates
September 13, 2024: Autumn Membership applications deadline
November 1, 2024: Autumn Small Grant applications deadline
November 15, 2024: Newsletter submissions due
March 3, 2025: Spring Membership applications deadline
March 7, 2025: Nominations (including self-nomination) to be a Steering Committee Member due
April 1, 2025: Five-Year Membership renewal (2025-2030) deadline
April 1, 2025: 2025-2026 Emeritus Academy Lecture proposals due
April 25, 2025: Newsletter submissions due
May 2, 2025: Spring Small Grant applications deadline