Emeritus Academy

Emeritus Academy

The Emeritus Academy was founded at The Ohio State University in 2014 to recognize and promote the ongoing engagement of emeriti faculty in both scholarly and creative activities. Its larger goals are to enhance the reputation of the university and to benefit society at large. Members come from more than 75 of OSU’s departments and schools and from both the Main Campus and Regional Campuses. There are currently 176 members, of whom more than 90 have participated for 5 years or more.

The Emeritus Academy is a growing and vibrant community of scholars. Semiannually, small research and travel grants are awarded to Emeritus Academy members whose applications are successful. During the academic year members present monthly lectures in their areas of interest and expertise, on topics ranging from medical research to art practices. Moving from the Faculty Club to the virtual space of Zoom (due to COVID), these lectures have attracted up to 100 attendees and sparked vigorous discussion across disciplines and methodologies.

Emeritus Academy exchanges have enhanced congeniality across OSU’s colleges and energized emeriti, current faculty, students, and staff in ways that affirm and support our lifetime role as scholars, artists, and community supporters. For more information about the Emeritus Academy, contact emeritusacademy@osu.edu.

Steering Committee

The President and Provost’s Advisory Council brought together a group of dedicated faculty who volunteered to serve as the inaugural members of a Founding Council for the Emeritus Academy. This council (Liang-Shih Fan, Robert C. Holub, Brian D. Joseph, Joan R. Leitzel, Terry A. Miller) shaped the Emeritus Academy, which was founded in the 2014-15 academic year. The Emeritus Academy is now guided by a Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee (SC) consists of nine members elected in staggered three-year terms, plus the Past Chair (if beyond their three-year term). The new first-year members of the SC are chosen by the preceding year’s SC from self-nominees and those nominated by members of the Emeritus Academy. Self-nominees must submit a 50–100-word statement of interest in and qualification for the position. 

Each Officer (Past-Chair, Chair, Chair-elect) serves a one-year term in each position. The Chair-elect is selected by the Officers, usually from those finishing their first year on the SC. The Chair-elect and Chair automatically succeed to the next highest office at the end of their terms.

The SC meets about 4-6 times per year for 1-3 hours each time. Meetings are usually held online. Decisions are made about such items as new and renewing members, grant applications, lecture proposals and scheduling. 

Chair; Professor Emeritus of Emergency Medicine, Columbus campus

Mark Lyman DeBard

Chair-Elect; Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Hematology, Columbus campus

Michael Rhodes Grever

Past Chair; Professor Emerita of Art, Columbus campus

Ardine Nelson

Professor Emeritus of Department of Social Work, Columbus campus

Audrey Begun

Professor Emerita of Earth Sciences, Columbus campus

Anne Carey

Professor Emeritus of Materials Science Engineering, Columbus campus

William Clark

Professor Emeritus at University Libraries, Columbus campus

Nena Couch

Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Columbus campus

Lonnie King

Professor Emeritus of African-American and African Studies, Columbus campus

Linda James Myers

Professor Emeritus of Astronomy, Columbus campus

Patrick Stewart Osmer

Important Dates

September 13, 2024: Autumn Membership applications deadline
November 1, 2024: Autumn Small Grant applications deadline
November 15, 2024: Newsletter submissions due
March 3, 2025: Spring Membership applications deadline
March 7, 2025: Nominations (including self-nomination) to be a Steering Committee Member due
April 1, 2025: Five-Year Membership renewal (2025-2030) deadline
April 1, 2025: 2025-2026 Emeritus Academy Lecture proposals due
April 25, 2025: Newsletter submissions due
May 2, 2025: Spring Small Grant applications deadline