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University Community — November 21, 2016
Summer Term 2017 Update
Ohio State’s summer course structure allows for a variety of four-, six-, eight- and 12-week classes to give students more opportunities to make progress toward their degrees. For Summer Term 2017, tuition discounts also are available. These fall into two categories:
- Tuition will be reduced 25 percent for Ohio State undergraduates taking summer classes on the Columbus campus.
- Separately, tuition will be reduced 50 percent (for up to three credits) in place of the 25 percent discount for the first four-week summer session on all Ohio State campuses. This is available only for undergraduate, graduate and professional students who were enrolled full time at Ohio State during spring semester.
In both cases, tuition discounts apply to instructional, general and non-resident fees.
The flexibility in summer course structure and the discounted tuition are just two ways Ohio State is committed to access and affordability.
For more information see the Tuition Incentives guide.
More Information
For key dates and times regarding registration, refer to the Office of the Registrar’s academic calendar.
The fee payment deadline for all Summer Term 2017 sessions is Wednesday, May 3. For more detailed information, refer to the Office of the Registrar’s fee table.
For information regarding summer graduate associate fee authorizations, refer to Graduate Associates Benefit Information.