Transition in the Graduate School

From the Provost — January 10, 2018

Transition in the Graduate School

Dear Colleagues,

I write to share the news that M. Scott Herness, interim vice provost for graduate studies and dean of the Graduate School, has accepted the position of vice provost for research and dean of the Graduate School at Montclair State University. His last day at Ohio State will be on January 17.

Scott's contributions to the Graduate School are numerous. In particular, our academic community is grateful for his leadership of the Campus Conversation on Graduate Education, a year-long, university-wide dialogue on the role of graduate education at Ohio State for the next decade and beyond.

He joined the College of Dentistry's Division of Oral Biology in 1997 and has also held a joint faculty appointment in the College of Medicine's Department of Neuroscience. Please join me in congratulating Scott on his new opportunity and in thanking him for his outstanding contributions during his tenure at Ohio State.

Effective January 18, Vice Provost for Academic Programs W. Randy Smith will coordinate duties in the Graduate School while our leadership search continues. Randy's portfolio and expertise with academic programs provide a backdrop to cover these leadership duties.


Bruce A. McPheron, PhD
Executive Vice President and Provost

Graduate School