All strategic planning is aligned with the university’s Shared Values, vision, mission.
Guiding Principles
- Unit-level strategic planning is aligned with and supports the university's Shared Values, vision, mission.
- The Office of Academic Affairs stewards unit-level strategic planning for the university.
- Colleges, regional campuses, and vice presidential units will have strategic plans.
- Each strategic plan will include measures that demonstrate progress toward the unit’s goals.
- Every college and vice presidential unit will make a version of its strategic plan publicly available.
- Plan progress will be an element of deans' and vice presidents' annual and reappointment reviews.
- Plans will be reviewed regularly and updated as need be.
- When there is a change in the leadership of a unit, the new leader, in collaboration with the unit, will reaffirm the strategic plan or revise it as needed.
- The strategic planning process will be linked to periodic external programmatic/academic unit reviews and accreditation efforts.
Vice President for Budget and Resource Management
Brad Harris
Executive Assistant
Katie Reed