This collection of administrative reports provides a snapshot of the activities, initiatives and accomplishments of various organizations and institutions at The Ohio State University.

Endowed Faculty Positions Report
The Endowed Positions Working Group was formed in fall 2022 in response to discussions with The Ohio State University Foundation Board about how to strengthen endowed faculty positions at Ohio State.

2023 Enrollment Report
A summary of university enrollment, key data on our students and a decade’s worth of historical statistics on a variety of meaningful measures.

The Buckeye Experience
Opportunities to Enhance High-Impact Practices at The Ohio State University.

Office of International Affairs 2023-2024 Annual Report
In this inaugural issue of our annual report, you'll find highlights of our many programs, activities and collaborations from the 2023-24 academic year.
The Buckeye Experience
Opportunities to Enhance High-Impact Practices at The Ohio State University.
Endowed Faculty Positions Report
The Endowed Positions Working Group was formed in fall 2022 in response to discussions with The Ohio State University Foundation Board about how to strengthen endowed faculty positions at Ohio State.
Center for Ethics and Human Values Report to CAA
In April 2016, the University Senate, by unanimous vote, officially approved the center as a university center reporting to the provost.
University research in the neighborhood: The perspective of community members
A multi-site case study research design, with a focus on historically disenfranchised Columbus neighborhoods in which high levels of research activity are occurring.
Evaluation of Teaching Report
This committee was comprised of persons dedicated to teaching for Ohio State. They were charged with formulating recommendations for improving the evaluation of teaching.
Enrollment Report
A summary of university enrollment, key data on our students and a decade’s worth of historical statistics on a variety of meaningful measures.
Task Force on Racism and Racial Inequities
In June 2020, The Ohio State University announced the creation of the Task Force on Racism and Racial Inequities. The task force was charged with convening discussions and proposing action steps to help Ohio State be an even more equitable, healthy, supportive and nurturing university community.
Committee on Academic Misconduct annual report
An inclusive and collaborative process to create one General Education (GE) program to support undergraduate student success.
Regional Campus external review
A high-level strategic overview of the Ohio State regional campuses as a whole that should be read in addition to the campus self-studies, which provide excellent detail on the strengths, challenges and opportunities present for each of the campuses.
General Education Implementation Report
An inclusive and collaborative process to create one General Education (GE) program to support undergraduate student success.
Campus Conversation on Graduate Education
The Graduate School hired a facilitator to help structure the Campus Conversation process and to identify the best methods for engaging the graduate community. The methodology included qualitative and quantitative approaches.
John Glenn School of Public Affairs - Report to CAA
On January 20, 2006, the proposal to merge the School of Public Policy and Management with the John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy, to establish the John Glenn School of Public Affairs (JGSPA), with a reporting line to the Office of Academic Affairs, was approved by the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA).