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Meetings and Proposals

The Council on Academic Affairs reviews proposals at biweekly meetings throughout the academic year. Contact Katie Reed at with questions.

2024-25 Meeting Schedule

The 2024-25 meetings will be located at 4140 University Square South (USS), from 3 to 5 p.m., unless otherwise noted.


September 4

September 18

October 2

October 16

November 6

November 20

December 4


January 8

January 22

February 5 - Cancelled

February 19

March 5 - Cancelled

March 19

April 2

April 16


2024-25 CAA Meetings and Proposals

2024-25 CAA Meetings and Proposals

Current Proposals

Subcommittee A


Chair: Carlos Castro
Members: Ann Allen, Mykenna Roy, Nathan Snizik, Valarie Williams


  • Proposal to establish The Ohio State University Center for Software Innovation - Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge
Subcommittee B


Chair: Nicole Kwiek
Members: Margo Coates, Samantha Herrmann, Mike Hogan, Andrew Miles, Joe Malinger / Emily Williams


  • Proposal to establish a Professional Master of Systems Engineering - College of Engineering
Subcommittee C


Chair: Russell Marzette
Members: Ann Christy, Neal Hooker, Charlie Mace, Tom Nelson


  • Proposal to establish an Executive Master of Health Administration - College of Public Health
Subcommittee D


Chair: Sue Sutherland
Vice Chair: Randy Smith


  • Proposal to adjust the clinical faculty cap in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences - College of Medicine
  • Proposal to establish a Strategic Sales Certificate - Fisher College of Business
  • Proposal to revise the Power Equipment AAS and corresponding deactivation of the Hydraulic Power and Motion Control AAS - College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
  • Proposal to revise the MA in Art Education - College of Arts and Sciences
  • Proposal to establish a combined BA/AuD degree program - College of Arts and Sciences
  • Proposal to establish an online option for the Human Development and Family Science major leading to the BS in HDFS - College of Education and Human Ecology


  • Proposal to establish an undergraduate minor in Law and Public Policy - Interdisciplinary Programs
  • Proposal to establish an undergraduate minor in Accounting - Fisher College of Business
  • Proposal to establish an undergraduate minor in Couple and Family Therapy - College of Education and Human Ecology
  • Proposal to add a Cardiac Sonography track to the existing BS Radiologic Sciences and Therapy Sonography Program-Echocardiography program - College of Medicine