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Third-Party Contract Courses

Ohio State Online provides services in contract with businesses, industry, civic organizations, government agencies, associations, health care providers, and other external parties to the university.

Our services for academic departments include:

  • Coordination of fee suppression
  • Registration services (for campus-based and online courses/programs)
  • Student guidance for the admissions application process
  • Personal involvement with the students throughout the entire enrollment process
  • Coordination of the program through a point of contact within the academic department
  • Providing a fee waiver option for admission application fees on behalf of  the academic department
  • For questions regarding Third-Party Contract Courses, call Extended Ed at 614-292-8860 or email

Enrolling Students in Contract Courses

Complete the Enrollment Information Form for Contract Course Students to begin the contractual outreach course registration process​.

This form determines the steps the registrant needs to take to enroll at The Ohio State University. 

Following a review of the information provided, the required next steps will be emailed to the registrant. Once the admission process has been completed, we will enroll the student in the course(s) requested using the information provided on the registration form.

Enrollment Process

The enrollment process differs based on whether the student has attended Ohio State. Once this is determined and in what capacity, we contact them to let them know what next steps they must take to enroll.

Former Undergraduates


Former Graduate Students


New Ohio State Students