Managing grants and sponsored projects is a shared responsibility, and the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Sponsored Projects team is here to support. We will provide a monthly grant reconciliation highlighting any concerns regarding your funding to aid you in managing your grants and sponsored projects. We can also provide ad hoc reports and analysis as needed.
Services and reminders
The OAA Grants team can provide one-on-one or group training for grant-related actions in Workday and the systems used for proposal submission and award management systems, such as the PI Portal. Please contact Ginette Busque to schedule a training session.
Please note that faculty and staff are required to complete an annual conflict of interest disclosure, which is due by June 30. For more information about Ohio State's Conflict of Interest Policy or to complete your annual disclosure, visit the Conflict of Interest-Link-Research webpage.
Ohio State researchers, including faculty, staff and students who work on federal grants are required to sign an intellectual property agreement due to the Bayh-Dole Act. The Bayh-Dole Act states that intellectual property that results from federally sponsored research is assigned to Ohio State. Researchers only need to sign the form one time.
Grants Management
Funding can be obtained from many different sources in numerous subject areas, and it can come from sources within Ohio State or external sponsors. We can help you work with Ohio State’s Office of Sponsored Programs to explore funding sources.
Internal and external funding links
For corporate partnerships for sponsored research, connect with the corporate partnership team in the Office of Innovation and Economic Development.
Proposal Development
Developing a proposal for a funding opportunity can be overwhelming and confusing, especially for new principal investigators, but we can help you navigate the process. We can help with sponsor terms and conditions, budget development, gathering of necessary documents, compliance requirements, submission of forms, etc. Proposal submission systems and the Authorization to Seek Off-Campus Funding (ePA-005) form is required for every external submission administered by the Office of Sponsored Programs. Below are resources that provide general university policies related to sponsored projects:
- Proposal submission systems such as Cayuse and NSF
- OSP Cost Share Requirements
- OAA Cost Share Policy - The Office of Academic Affairs will allow voluntary cost share in only limited circumstances. Approval for the inclusion on voluntary cost share should be sent to three weeks prior to the proposal deadline. A budget and justification should be included with your request for approval.
- OSP F&A Definition and Rates
- OAA F&A Policy - The Office of Academic Affairs requires the use of the approved federally negotiated indirect cost rate on proposals when a sponsor allows. However, there are circumstances when the use of a lower rate may be necessary. In those circumstances, approval from the Office of Academic Affairs is required.
- ePA-005 system
When you intend to submit a funding proposal, promptly notify our office of your intent to submit via our email, The following information is required in your e-mail:
Principal Investigator:
Co-Principal Investigator:
Due date:
Link to sponsor RFP/opportunity or attach it to email:
Subawards (If yes, please list the name/names of sub-awardees):
Cost Share:
F&A/IDC rate:
Notes regarding submission (indicate any other information we should know)
Notification of your intent to submit a proposal should be sent to our office no later than three weeks before the sponsor deadline. This will allow us to ensure that the request is submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs two weeks before the deadline, as per OSP requirements. We will provide a budget template, aid in budget development, and assist you with navigating the application process. An ePA-005 for the opportunity is required before proposal submission. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a conditional ePA-005 approval, which could lead to denial/refusal of the award if the university is not able to accept the sponsor terms and conditions.
We are here to help you develop your proposal budget. The templates below can be used to create the budget for your proposal submission. These templates are for a more extensive submission with subawards or participant support costs, a template that includes cost share, and a budget template that does not include subawards or participant support costs.
Please alert our office and your Sponsored Program Officer (SPO) if your proposal involves the purchase of equipment or special services, as there are additional requirements that we need to address at the proposal stage.
A salary escalation rate of 3% is recommended for all proposals. Fringe benefit rates are updated annually and are effective July 1, and a 6% tuition escalation rate is recommended for budgeting purposes.
Pre-approval for the Graduate School’s Matching Tuition and Fee Award is required. Requesting this approval as soon as possible is important to ensure that funds are available for your submission. Additional information and the link to request approval are on the Graduate School website.
The full indirect cost rate should be utilized for proposal submissions when a sponsor allows it. Indirect costs or Facilities and Administrative costs are costs associated with maintaining the infrastructure of the university that cannot be allocated to a specific grant or sponsored project. These costs include library support, operation and maintenance expenses, as well as administrative support. The rate changes every four years when the university submits a rate proposal to the Department of Health and Human Services.
When a subaward is included in a proposal submission, additional documentation is required when the proposal is submitted. A sub-awardee is required to supply Ohio State with a Letter of Intent or Commitment Form, a Statement of Work, a budget, and a budget justification, as well as any additional documentation required by the sponsor for the submission. The letter of intent can be obtained from the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Pre-award Spending
If financial activity needs to begin before the grant is officially established in Workday, there are instances when a preliminary grant number may be able to be established. Please contact our office to work through the details and the options. If a preliminary grant number can be issued, the form OGC-005 will be required.
Post Award
Expenses on sponsored projects
Sponsored projects can be subject to various terms and conditions. There are four cost principles to consider when making purchases on sponsored projects:
- Is the cost reasonable? Is it necessary to complete the scope of work? Would a prudent person make this purchase?
- Is the cost allocable? Are the goods and services required to complete the scope of work?
- Is the cost consistently treated? Do we treat this cost consistently in like circumstances as a direct or indirect cost?
- Is the cost allowable? Does the sponsor allow the cost and does federal regulations allow the cost?
Visit the National Science Foundation to review allowable costs and federal sponsor terms and conditions for various federal sponsors.
The Office of Sponsored Programs accepts sponsor funds on behalf of the university. Information regarding managing expenditures to ensure compliance with polices and regulations, can be found at on the Cost Sharing Requirements page.
Travel on Sponsored Projects has specific requirements. For further information, visit the procurement page for details on how to enter Spend Authorizations and Expenses Reports in Workday.
Purchasing equipment and services
Complex purchases, such as the purchase of equipment, require additional planning. The Office of Sponsored Programs Grant Shared Services Center needs to be involved early in the process. Please contact us, and we will work with you and the Service Center to schedule a time to discuss.
Schedule OSP Procurement Planning Consultation
Find more information about purchases on grants and sponsored programs.
Business meals
When business meals are approved in a grant proposal, documentation is required.
For any consultants working on an approved project, please use the Consultant Agreement.
Consultants should use this Invoice Template.
When human subjects have been approved as part of a proposal, and if these subjects need to be compensated, there is an opportunity for the researcher to obtain a petty cash fund. If approved, an approval form is required.
For additional purchasing information, such as establishing a new vendor, visit our purchasing page.
When an award is received, the Office of Sponsored Programs will create a grant number specifically for the sub-awardee. Once you receive the grant number, please notify your unit's designated supplier contract initiator so they can create a new supplier contract in Workday. The letter of intent, the scope of work, and the sub-awardee budget are required as attachments to the supplier contract initiation in Workday.
Amendments to the supplier contract, such as additional time or funds, will be submitted by the supplier contract initiator in Workday. If other funds are being provided, an updated budget should be included as an attachment to the contract amendment in Workday.
Principal Investigators (PI) are responsible for reviewing and approving subaward invoices. The invoice approval will flow to the PI in Workday. Please review the invoices carefully and notify our office and the Office of Sponsored Programs if you are experiencing issues with a subawardee.
Sponsored projects have unique compliance requirements. We can connect you with the offices and staff that can aid you in navigating these requirements. Further information about research compliance information, including Human Subjects, Export Controls, and International Collaborations is available.
Please note that faculty and staff are required to complete an annual conflict of interest disclosure. If a conflict of interest arises after your submission, you are required to update your disclosure.
Create and amend a supplier contract
Principal Investigators (PI) are responsible for reviewing and approving subaward invoices. The invoice approval will flow to the PI in Workday. Please review the invoices carefully and notify our office and the Office of Sponsored Programs if you are experiencing issues with a subawardee.
Workday Grant Management
The Grants Administration Dashboard for grants administrators and the Principal Investigator Grants Dashboard contain information and reports that allow you to manage your award. You can find the dashboard by searching for “Grants Administration” or “Principal Investigator” in the Workday search bar. These pages are meant for different audiences but contain the same information. Both dashboards can be used to manage grants.
When the dashboards populate, they display information about grants that are, over budget, expiring in 60 days, and have award special conditions. Links to reports can be found on the right side. You can also enter the name of any report into the search bar in Workday. There are several reports available to aid in managing your grant. Some important reports include:
- Over Budget Grants
- Grants Expiring in 60 Days
- Grant Special Conditions
- Awards Created in the Last Week
- Budget vs Actuals for OSP Grants
- Budget vs Actuals for Non-OSP Grants
- Budget vs Actuals by Object Class
- Personnel Expenditure Summary
- Non-Personnel Expenditure Summary
- Other Funding
- Find Requisitions
- Find Journal Lines - Ohio State Payroll Detail
- Sources and Uses - Variance Analysis
- Award Expenditures on Journal Lines
- Payroll Accounting Adjustments Status
- Grant Salary Detail Report
- Purchase Order Remaining Balance
For a summary of budget, expenses and encumbrances, select the Budget Vs Actuals by Object Class report. This report can be exported as an Excel spreadsheet.
The Grant Salary Detail report is used to reconcile payroll expenditures,. Select the Grant Salary Detail report located on the right. This report allows you to see the personnel and effort charged to the grant.
To find current real-time payroll detail for your grant, you can use the Find Journal Lines-Ohio State Payroll Detail report.
To find the status of a requisition, click on the find requestion report or type "my requisitions" in the search bar. Input the date and your grant number in the Worktags field to find the status.
To see expenditures for each budget line, use the Award Expenditures on Journal Lines report. Click on the report on the right of the dashboard or place the name of the report into the Workday search bar.
To see an award balance for awards with multiple grants, you can use the Budgets vs Actuals at Award Roll-up Level report. You will need your award number for this report. Make sure you select The Ohio State University in the company drop-down. When you run the report, you will likely need to click save for later.
Further information regarding the dashboards can be found on the Administrative Resource Center (ARC).
Ginette Busque
Manages all pre- and post-award sponsored projects activity for all OAA support units. This includes notice of funding opportunity and proposal review, budget development, financial reconciliation and reporting, grant lifecycle activities and serves as a liaison to partners in the Ohio State Office of Sponsored Projects.
Matt Pfanz
Responsible for monthly financial reconciliation and reporting for all OAA-sponsored projects activities, and she serves as the point person for all day-to-day post-award fiscal questions and concerns.