Academic centers are non-degree granting educational units of the university engaged in research; instruction; or clinical, outreach, or related service. An academic center is defined by its mission and scope, not its title, and while they may be described as a center, institute, laboratory, or similar term, the terms “center” and “institute” shall be limited to academic centers, unless otherwise approved by the Council on Academic Affairs.
The creation and administration of centers and institutes is governed by Chapter 3335-3-36 of the Faculty Rules. The Office of Academic Affairs maintains a list of all centers and institutes across the university, set into the following categories.
University Centers
A substantial research/scholarship component is common to the missions of official university centers, but they may also involve instruction or related service. Their internal funding (initial and continuing) is drawn fully, or in large part, from central university funds (i.e. Office of the President, Office of Academic Affairs, Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge, etc.). The leadership of the center reports to one or more of those offices.
College Centers
A variable mix of emphases including research/scholarship, instruction, service, clinical or outreach missions define college centers. Internal funding (initial and continuing) is drawn fully, or in large part, from one college or a small set of colleges. The leadership of the center will report to one dean or a small set of deans.
Other Academic Centers
Centers whose missions focus on academic-focused activities but do not fall into university or college categories.
Non-Academic Centers
Non-academic centers are those “centers” where the primary purpose generally is not instruction, research or related service.
University Centers
Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD)
Bell National Resource Center on the African American Male
Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
Campus Chemical Instrumentation Center
Center for the 5G-OH: 5G and Broadband Connectivity Center
Center for Affordable Nanoengineering of Polymeric Biomedical Devices
Center for Automotive Research
Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence
Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies
Center for Ethics and Human Values
Center for Health Outcomes, Policy and Evaluation Studies (HOPES)
Center for Innovation Strategies
Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies
Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)
Center for Lake Erie Area Research
Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Center for Latin American Studies
Center for Life Sciences Education
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Center for Operational Excellence
Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering
Center for Retrovirus Research
Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies
Center for Software Innovation
Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing
Center for the Study of Religion
Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA)
Center on Education and Training for Employment
Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Crane Center for Early Childhood Research & Policy
Criminal Justice Research Center (CJRC)
Dorothy M. Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute
Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery
Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research
Institute for Cybersecurity and Digital Trust
Institute for Japanese Studies
Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research
Institute for Population Research (IPR)
Keenan Center for Entrepreneurship
Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity
Mathematical Biosciences Institute
Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center
Melton Center for Jewish Studies
Mershon Center for International Security Studies
National eXtreme Ultrafast Science (NeXUS) Facility
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
Salmon P. Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society
Translational Data Analytics Institute
Transportation Research Center
College Centers
Aeronautical and Astronautical Research Laboratories
African American and African Studies Community Extension Center
Age-Friendly Innovation Center
Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
Barnett Center for Integrated Arts and Enterprise
Battelle Center for Science, Engineering and Public Policy
Belford Center for Spinal Cord Injury
Center for Accelerated Maturation of Materials
Center for Advanced Functional Food Research and Entrepreneurship
Center for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing of Automotive Components
Center for Advanced Processing and Packaging Studies
Center for Applied Plant Sciences
Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging
Center For Bioethics and Medical Humanities
Center for Electron Microscopy and Analysis (CEMAS)
Center for Electronic & Magnetic Nanoscale Composite Multifunctional Materials
Center for Exploration of Novel Complex Materials
Center for Faculty Advancement Mentoring and Engagement (FAME)
Center on Healthy Aging, Self-Management and Complex Care
Center for Historical Research
Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR)
Center for Industrial Sensors and Measurements
Center for Integrative Materials Joining Science for Energy Applications (CIMJSEA)
Center for Multifunctional Polymer NanoMaterials and Devices
Center for Occupational Health in Automotive Manufacturing
Center for Promoting Health in Infants, Children, Adolescents and Women
Center for Psychedelic Drug Research and Education
Center for Public Health Practice
Center for Research and Health Analytics
Center for Research, Education and Advancement of Transdisciplinary Exploration (CREATE)
The Jeffrey Schottenstein Program for Resilience
Center for Stress & Wound Healing
Center for the Advancement of Team Science, Analytics and Systems-Thinking (CATALYST)
Center for Transdisciplinary Evidence-based Practice
CFAES Rattan Lal Center for Carbon Management and Sequestration
Charles A. Dice Center for Financial Economics
Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory
Collaborative for Applied Software Technology
Community and Youth Collaborative Institute
Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory
Computer Microtribology and Contamination Laboratory
Consortium of Ohio Universities on Navigation & Timekeeping
Die Casting Research Laboratory
Drug Enforcement and Policy Center
Engineering Experiment Station
Galbreath Equine Research Center
Gas Dynamics and Turbulence Laboratory
Gear and Power Transmission Research Laboratory
Graphics and Animation Laboratory
Information Processing Systems Laboratory
Initiative for Managing Services
Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability (IDEA)
Jameson Crane Sports Medicine Institute
Laboratory for Space Geodesy and Remote Sensing
Local Technical Assistance Program Center
Manufacturing & Materials Joining Innovation Center
Mathematics Research Institute
Mechatronic/Electromechanical Systems Laboratory
Museum of Biological Diversity
National Center for the Middle Market
Nationwide Center for Advanced Customer Insights
Network-based Computing Laboratory
NeuroMuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
Ohio Bioprocessing Research Consortium
Ohio Education Research Center
Olentangy River Wetland Research Park
Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center
Photogrammetric Computer Vision Laboratory
Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies
Satellite Positioning and Inertial Navigation Laboratory (SPIN)
Simulation Innovation and Modeling Center (SIMCenter)
Space Geodesy and Remote Sensing
The National East Asian Languages Resource Center
The Ohio BioProducts Innovation Center (OBIC)
Translational Plant Sciences Initiative
Turbulence and Combustion Research Laboratory
Other Academic Centers
Academic Enrichment Center - Marion
Agricultural Technical Institute
Buckeye Center for Hearing and Development
Campus Microscopy and Imaging Facility
Center for Cognitive and Memory Disorders (The Memory Disorders Research Center)
Center for Continuing Medical Education
Center for Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders
Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Center for Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Center for Stress, Trauma and Resilience (STAR)
Center for the Study of Student Life
Center for Health Outcomes in Medicine Scholarship and Service (HOMES)
Center for Muscle Health and Neuromuscular Disorders
Center for Neurobiology of Aging and Resiliency (CNAR)
Center for Research, Education and Advancement of Transdisciplinary Exploration (CREATE)
Center for Surgical Health Assessment, Research and Policy (SHARP)
Clinical Skills Education and Assessment Center (CSEAC)
Community Safety Institute Knowledge Center
Diabetes and Metabolism Research Center
Food Innovation Center: Foods for Global Security, Safety and Health Promotion
Health Sciences Center for Global Health
Injury Biomechanics Research Center
International Poverty Solutions Collaborative
Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theater Research Institute
Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center
Center for Belonging and Social Change
Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Center
Nasal Physiology and Therapeutic Center
Neuroscience Research Institute
Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
Pelotonia Institute for Immuno-Oncology
Philip Heit Center for Healthy New Albany
Center for Brain and Spinal Cord Repair
Non-Academic Centers
Alber Enterprise Center - Marion
Center for Abdominal Core Health
Center for Advanced Robotic Surgery
Center for Autism Services and Transition
Center for Brain and Spinal Cord Repair
Center for Clinical Research Management
Center for Emergency Medical Services (CEMS)
Center for Medical and Engineering Innovation (CMEI)
Center for Student Leadership and Service
Comprehensive Esophageal Health Center
Comprehensive Transplant Center
Conard Learning Center - Mansfield
Early Psychosis Intervention Center (EPICENTER)
Hand and Upper Extremity Center
Hematosis and Thrombosis Treatment Center
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center
Jesse Owens North Recreation Center
Jesse Owens South Recreation Center
Lifelong Learning Institute - Lima
Lymphedema Center of Excellence
Mathematics Learning Center - Newark
Office of Human Resources Customer Service Center
Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center (GRC)
Ohio Cooperative Development Center (OCDC)
Phillip A Heath Center for Teaching and Learning - Lima
Prairie Nature Center - Marion
Recreation & Physical Activity Center
Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center
Student Activities Center- ATI
Help us keep this list current by reporting any updates to oaawebmaster@osu.edu.